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Where would you like to get involved? Which idea appeals to you?
You can find your project group here.

Food Waste

At other universities (such as the University of Neuchâtel), student associations collect unsold bread, sandwiches, and desserts from bakeries at the end of the day and pick up leftover fresh produce from the weekly vegetable market. The next day, this unsold food is distributed free of charge either to students or to those in need. Those interested in starting such a project in Zürich, in whatever form, can join this group.

  • Number of interested people: 3

Image by Sri Lanka
Yoga in Nature

"Naturperlen": Planting Trees

Are you ready to go out and do something for biodiversity? Have you always wanted to help with a tree planting campaign?

The project "Naturperlen" was started by three friends with the aim of planting endangered trees and shrubs and thereby creating valuable habitats in urban and rural areas of Eastern Switzerland. In cooperation with municipalities and farmers, hotspots of biodiversity are created.

  • ongoing project

Clothes swap

Are you interested in how to give old clothes a new life? Then you've come to the right place with our clothing swap project group!

Instead of unworn clothes gathering dust in the closet, we want to give them a new life. To this end, we would like to organize regular clothing swap events at ETH and UZH.  It doesn’t take much more than a room and people who are looking for clothes or want to get rid of them.

Clothing Rack
Image by Christine Roy

Venture Capital: Financing the Energy Transition

In order to slow global warming, we must rely on renewable energy. This transition costs money, and it will not be governments that open their wallets wide enough - Dr. Georg Brasseur, who shared his view in a lecture to the Austrian Academy of Sciences, believes that it will be investors who speculate their venture capital on green energies. According to Dr. Brasseur, it should be more widely known how worthwhile it is for investors to use their venture capital to finance technologies that drive the de-fossilisation of our energy systems. With just a bit of persuasive power, the financial impact of this project group could easily reach the 6-digit range.

Workshops in Schools

Many in our circles think of environmental protection and sustainability, but not Hansli and his father Hans-Peter. Hansli flew to Vienna, Paris, London, and Madrid five times last summer, not knowing that a short-haul flight produces the same emissions as a year's worth of driving. Hans-Peter had a new oil heater installed last winter to keep his children warm with fossil fuels. How can we better spread our knowledge about the causes and consequences of climate change? One way is to sensitise generations from an early age, such as in schools. Ideas for this are, for example, building a platform accessible to teachers with ready-made lesson plans on sustainable topics or designing and offering our own workshops.

Image by Francois Le Nguyen

Fashion Revolution

In 2018, 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions came from the fashion industry, which has additionally played a significant role in increasing microplastics, water pollution, deforestation, and waste. What type of event would you like to organize to make this industry more sustainable? How can we sensitise people? Whether by holding a public film evening, round table, lecture, upcycling workshop, fashion show with second-hand or sustainable clothing, or a clothing repair shop, exhibition, exchange, demonstration, etc., the fashion revolution sets no limits on creativity and good will.

  • Number of interested people: 6

Reading Group: Climate Literature

Be informed, share, spread important knowledge and take action - one way to do these things could be to hold reading groups that examine literature on climate change or other environmental issues. In this project group, you compile a reading list and meet to discuss what you have read. This is also an opportunity to get to know like-minded people and their different views. You can also think about how you would use this knowledge to benefit the climate. Concrete ideas for projects may emerge during the reading process, which we can publish here to find people to implement them. For example, we could offer environmental education workshops in schools to spread the word. Curious to know which people are interested in the same topics as you?

  • Number of interested people: 5

Image by freestocks

Culture Sensitised: Poetry Slam 

Sensitising the audience to environmental issues within the framework of a cultural event can be done, for example, at a poetry slam. Can we motivate amateur slam poets to perform a text that represents a certain attitude on how we can achieve the energy transition, represent values of sustainability, rub climate change in the public's face as a task that urgently needs to be solved, or convey other content on nature conservation in an artistic way?

  • Number of interested people: 0

Promotion of Sustainability

Help aid organisations to become better known or companies to make the economy greener and more sustainable! Students can promote a good cause on campus with an advertising motif on their backpack and profit from it. AdBag is a concept launched by FHNW and HSG students that has already been successfully tested. During the pandemic, however, the project was halted and is now waiting for a new team and new form.

What are the organisations and companies we would like to work with? Co-founder Simon Haller supports the new project group as a mentor with his experience and know-how from the successful start-up phase of AdBag.

  • Number of interested people: 2

Image by Corina Rainer

Movie Nights

We organise public film evenings and sensitise the audience with documentaries on topics such as environmental protection and social justice. After the film ends, visitors can stay to discuss the problems presented and thus generate ideas for solutions.

  • Number of interested people: 2

Own Idea

Do you have your own idea and are looking for a team to implement it with you? Send us an e-mail and we will publish your idea on our website so that people can register with your project group.

Image by Álvaro Serrano
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